Spices and aromatic herbs
Countless flavour combinations from A to Z

Aglio fette
Garlic slices
Art. 003029 / 8 x 38g - Product sheet

Aglio granuli
Garlic granules
Art. 003027 / 8 x 80g - Product sheet

Anice stellato intero
Whole star anise
Art. 003012 / 8 x 15g - Product sheet

Cannella macinata
Ground cinnamon
Art. 003023 / 8 x 60g - Product sheet

Cannella stecche
Cinnamon sticks
Art. 003022 / 8 x 18g - Product sheet

Chiodi di garofano interi
Whole cloves
Art. 003011 / 8 x 35g - Product sheet

Cumino semi
Cumin seeds
Art. 003017 / 8 x 45g - Product sheet

Curcuma macinata
Ground curcuma
Art. 003019 / 8 x 70g - Product sheet

Finocchio semi
Fennel seeds
Art. 003016 / 8 x 45g - Product sheet

Ginepro intero
Whole juniper
Art. 003009 / 8 x 40g - Product sheet

Grattugiata al Tartufo d'Estate
Spice mixture with summer truffle
Art. 003064 / 8 x 70g - Product sheet

Noci moscate intere
Whole nutmeg
Art. 003021 / 8 x 45g - Product sheet

Rosa in petali
Rose in petals
Art. 003013 / 8 x 6g - Product sheet

Zenzero macinato
Ground ginger
Art. 003010 / 8 x 45g - Product sheet

Coriandolo semi
Coriander seeds
Art. 003020 / 8 x 35g - Product sheet

Fiocchi di peperoncino
Chili flakes
Art. 003030 / 8 x 40g - Product sheet

Vasetto zafferano dell‘Aquila D.O.P.
Saffron dell'Aquila D.O.P.
Art. 002421 / 12 x 0,5g - Product sheet